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Thursday, September 18, 2008


Fauvism, a relatively short-lived movement in French painting from about 1898 to about 1908. The Fauves rejected the impressionist palette of soft, shimmering tones in favor of the vibrant colors used by the postimpressionists Paul Gaugin and Vincent Van Gough for expressive emphasis. Fauves painted with poetic energy using vigorous lines, simplified yet dramatic surface patterns and intense colors.
Les Fauves, literal English translation is the wild beasts. Fauvism was originally a pejorative label applied to the group at their firs exhibition in 1905. The artists include Andre Derain, Maurice de Vlamick, Raoul Dufy,Georges Braque, Henri Manguin, Albert Marquet, Jean Puy, Emile Othon Friesz and Henri Maltisse. The leaders of the group were Henri Maltisse and Andre Derain. Technically the fauvist use of color derived from experiments made by Matisse at Saint-Tropez in the summer of 1904, working with the neoimpressionist painters who paced small dabs of pure color side by side to achieve and even more optically correct image than that of the impressionists. Matisse and Derain painted together at Collioure in the summer of 1905. They began to use pure complementary colors applied in flat, vigorous strokes, achieving an equivalent rather than a description of light. Derain said the "golden light that eliminates shadows. Matisse made a woman's nose flat green and it added to the color composition and expression of the painting in 'Portrait of Madame Matisse'.

Fauvism Quiz:

1. What is the literal English translation of the French word “Les fauves”?
a) “the wild beasts”
b) “finger painting”
c) “arrangement in gray and black”

Answer: a

2. How long did Fauvism last?
a) 10 years
b) 5 years
c) 3 years

Answer: c

3. Who were the leaders of the Fauvism movement?
a) Picasso and Michangelo
b) Matisse and Derain
c) Monet and Whistler

Answer: b

4. Fauvism is characterized by paintings that use ___________.
a) intensely vivid and exuberant colors
b) pastel colors
c) shades of black and gray

Answer: a

5. What famous painting of a women represents Fauvism?
a) Whistlers Mother
b) Girl with Pearl Earring
c) Portrait of Madame Matisse

Answer: c

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